Welcome to SFI Fund
Secured Fixed Income Fund, LLC

Cherif Medawar and his select group of Co-Sponsors (see Form D) established Secured Fixed Income Fund (SFIFund), a real estate fund. The fund is officially filed with the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) under Reg D and has operated successfully since early in 2016. View Filing Details Here.

What we do.

We group investors together and raise capital to invest in real estate projects through joint ventures mainly in our other existing fund and projects.

Fund Manager, Cherif Medawar, has been involved in both residential and commercial transactions for many years and his expertise is in residential rehabs, development, and sales, as well as, commercial repositioning and adding value. 

What's in it for you.

If you are an accredited investor you can invest as little as $25,000 USD and become a creditor to the fund with a fixed return of 6% or invest more money and get to 8%+ return.

As a creditor, you have no hassles, fixed income paid semi-annually, and you can cash out your principal with a notice to the fund manager within any 12 months period. 

What you should do about it.

If you are an accredited investor, Click on “Get Started” below and fill out the pre-qualification questionnaire to access our Private Placement Memorandum (PPM), and review the risks and rewards of the offering.

Then contact our team to assist you in answering any questions one-on-one, to discuss the details of our offering and to find out if you qualify as an accredited investor. 

Investing with SFI Fund, LLC

Accredited Investors* are able to invest in SFI Fund directly starting with small amounts of money, even from their retirement accounts, and they can reinvest the fixed interest payouts to compound their returns.

The capital invested is used in joint venture projects mainly with another fund held by the Fund Manager, Cherif Medawar, to capitalize on its momentum in the market since 2009.

This is a great way to invest for those who seek a fixed income without having any associated expenses or hassles.

SFI Fund uses the capital for joint venture real estate projects. These projects are managed by Cherif Medawar, Real Estate Fund Manager, mainly with his private fund MIGSIF and its subsidiaries and/or related entities that have a track record focuses on residential rehab primarily located in San Francisco and the Bay Area in California, developments on the west coast of Florida, and commercial properties mainly in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Assets are acquired through relationships with sellers, bankers, asset managers and brokers. The properties get repositioned through rehabbing or adding value and then are either sold or held for cash flow. 

*The SEC defines an accredited investor as someone whose net worth is over $1 million excluding his/her home OR has an income of $200,000 per year (if single) or $300,000 (if married and filing jointly) for the past two years with the expectation of the same income or more for this year.


In California: We are currently rehabbing 6 high end residential properties under both MIGSIF LLC and MIGSIF2 LLC:

80 6th Ave. San Francisco, CA

156 Liberty St., San Francisco, CA

Currently, several luxury residential rehabs are in progress in San Francisco, and another just hit the market. The projects will be listed in a few months and into next year.


In Puerto Rico: We are holding 18 properties for cash flow under MIGSIF3 LLC. 11 commercial mixed use and 7 residential. You can see these at www.crepr.com
101 Maple Street, San Francisco
2312 Washington Street, San Francisco
3323 Clay Street, San Francisco
2470 Broadway, San Francisco
Lake Street, San Francisco
Masonic Avenue, San Francisco
25th Street, San Francisco
Lapidge Street, San Francisco
MIGSIF LLC Property: 368 Diamond Street in San Francisco, California
MIGSIF LLC Property: 415 Cornwall Street in San Francisco, California
MIGSIF LLC Property: 1439 Rainbow Street in San Mateo, California